Bridge House Independent School


In science, our children experience a broad science curriculum rich in skills and knowledge, igniting curiosity in our learners. The children will develop their investigation skills, gain an understanding of key scientific language, and practice the mathematical skills they require to thrive in the more complex investigations and analyses they will come across.

We aim for our children to have the opportunity to engage as scientists and to be successful as they progress through the key stages. They will be equipped to understand how to use data and evidence to draw conclusions and challenge ideas. We provide the children with the opportunities to expand their problem-solving skills, make independent decisions and to reflect on these decisions to improve their future and the future of others in the wider world.

Our science curriculum ensures we are bringing in real-world content to keep the science relevant and engaging. They also reflect diversification in science as our body of knowledge is drawn from scientists working across the world. We provide challenge which is gradually increased as topics are revisited over the years; the children’s prior knowledge is consistently being built upon. Within this approach, there are numerous opportunities for pupils to be creative and embed their understanding.

 Science Stage 1 - 9.pdfDownload
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